Well, I don't have a first book yet, so this topic is a bit harder for me to address. I could of course go on and on about how I think it would feel, which book I'd like it to be.(A Flash of Taboo) But instead I'm going to talk about the first erotic book I read. It's fitting, I suppose, since it's what got me interested in writing erotica.
So what was my first erotic book? I guess if you don't count the bodice rippers from Johanna Lindsay and Catherine Coulter, it would have to be Awaken My Love by Robin Schone. It was the first book I recall reading that actually followed the formula of what I consider to be an erotic book. The man premise of the book is for two star crossed time hopping lovers to find sexual satisfaction in each other arms. It was the first book that actually focused more on the sexual journey the couple made than it did about the outside world. Not that it didn't have a fairly decent plot because it did. I just loved the fact it showed sex as something to be explored, to be cherished. Some day I hope that I'll be able to write something like she did. :)
This post is copyrighted by Zin. You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook. All parts of this are created by the author's imagination, research, and/or knowledge. Any resemblance to anything else (person, location, etc) is purely coincidental. No content on Zin's Fantasies may be copied or reproduced without written consent of both the author and Zin's Fantasies.
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