Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Winter Happiness

Lets take a quick detour from our regularly scheduled show. It's winter - I bet you noticed right?  So if you live in place lucky to actually get seasons you know what that means...which I do.  I mentioned last week that I live in Iowa. Up here we get snow, sleet, freezing rain...the whole spectrum of winter precipitation.  That being said? Do I love winter? You betcha. There's just something about watching the snowflakes fall, the kids playing in it - their giggles as they toss snowballs at each other, and sled down Suicide Hill, which are just heartwarming even if I am freezing my butt off to partake in it.  I just remind myself I have a huge pot of chili waiting for me in the crock pot when I get home.

I remember winter as a kid.  I lived for the day they called off school because my dad would take my sister and I to the local middle school and let us go sledding.  We'd spend hours out there, sliding down, dragging our sleds back up the hill only to do it again and again. And the best part? My dad chuckling at our antics.  Now as an adult I realize he probably had to be freezing but the big thermos of hot chocolate he brought kept all three of us warm.  Yes as kids we really enjoyed our time in the snow.  Speaking of which...I think I saw a snow flake start to fall.  Have a great day...and if you have the time....take a second to watch it snow.  It is quite beautiful. :)

This post is copyrighted by Zin. You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook. All parts of this are created by the author's imagination, research, and/or knowledge. Any resemblance to anything else (person, location, etc) is purely coincidental. No content on Zin's Fantasies may be copied or reproduced without written consent of both the author and Zin's Fantasies.

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